The EC4H programme in NHS Western Isles offers a range of workshops. Please contact us for more information or to discuss your training requirements. We can arrange a customised workshop to designed to meet the specific training needs of your department or team
Gail is the Lead Nurse, Specialist Nursing in NHS Western Isles. She completed her EC4H tutor training in October 2021. Her interests are in Anticipatory Care Planning and promoting realistic conversations. NMC: 82H0689S
Joan currently works as an Advanced Care Practitioner in Resuscitation and Clinical Risk within NHS Western Isles. She has been an adult trained nurse for 21yrs, more recently working in resuscitation. Joan has been an EC4H instructor since September 2021.
Donna is a cancer and palliative clinical nurse specialist in the Western isles. She has been involved in promoting the importance of effective communication in advanced care planning and also the education of student nurses. More recently she completed her tutor training with EC4H in March 2022.
Karen Mackenzie is the Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Consultant for NHS Western Isles. Karen qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist in 2006, specialising in working with adults with acquired neurological conditions and dementia, whilst developing clinical leadership and quality improvement capability in a number of NHS Scotland Boards. She is a Scottish Improvement Leader (ScIL) graduate and, in February 2023, qualified as a EC4H tutor.