Anticipatory Care Planning

16 Feb 2022 13:00 - 17:00 St Andrew's Hospice, Airdrie Free

Anticipatory Care Planning

Workshop Programme


Useful Resources

Post Evaluation

A half day interactive workshop for senior doctors and other health professionals (Band 6+). Participants will work in a small peer group and address communication challenges drawn from their own clinical practice and educational roles.  Particular focus will be on initiating conversations about deteriorating health, people’s priorities and plans for future care such as hospital treatments options, further admissions, clinically assisted nutrition or hydration and CPR


We look at effective ways to help people think and plan ahead. Clinicians need to be able to talk about emergency treatment and care planning (e.g. Treatment Escalation Plans and ReSPECT), goals of care, and planning for care around dying, including DNACPR discussions.

The RED-MAP framework supports these conversations.

Learning outcomes

In this advanced clinical communication workshop participants will:

  • Communicate sensitively and effectively with people and those close to them about serious illness,  deteriorating health, goals of care and CPR.
  • Talk about Anticipatory Care Planning informed by an understanding of ‘what matters’ to people and their families.
  • Discuss treatment and care options and outcomes within a person-centred model of shared decision-making and Realistic Medicine.
  • Respond to anger, distress, collusion and other complex emotions.
  • Discuss the benefits and limitations of treatment in a balanced way.
  • Address communication challenges that arise when the person has impaired decision-making capacity


St Andrew's Hospice, Airdrie

Anticipatory Care Planning

Date: 16 Feb 2022
Time: 13:00 - 17:00

Tutor team

Dr Kerry McWilliams

EC4H Lead Tutor

Dr Kerry McWilliams is a consultant in Palliative Medicine in NHS Lanarkshire. She graduated from Glasgow University in 2005 and was appointed as a consultant in 2015. During her specialty training in the West of Scotland she thoroughly enjoyed particpating in an EC4H course herself and was delighted to undergo tutor training in 2018. Currently acting as lead tutor, she enjoys the challenge and new learning experience that comes with each course. Her interests include Anticipatory care planning and promoting informed decision making.