Anticipatory Care Planning for District Nurses

29 Jun 2022 13:00 - 16:00 Council Chambers, East Kilbride Free

Anticipatory Care Planning for District Nurses

Workshop Programme

Workshop Resources

Post Evaluation

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULLY BOOKED. If you wish to be placed on the waiting list, please select 'yes' to the 'Are you applying for our waiting list?' question on the application form

An interactive half day advanced clinical communication skills workshop for District Nurses. Particular focus will be on having effective Anticipatory Care and DNA-CPR conversations.

Participants will work in a small peer group on scenarios related to complex shared decision making and communication about ACP and DNACPR when a patient is deteriorating with one or more multiple advanced conditions.

This workshop is for NHS Lanarkshire staff only

Learning Outcomes

In this advanced clinical communication workshop participants will:

· Communicate sensitively and effectively with people and those close to them about serious illness, stopping treatment, deteriorating health and DNACPR

· Talk about Anticipatory Care Planning informed by an understanding of “what matters” to individual patients and families

· Respond to anger, distress, collusion and other complex emotions

· Manage people who have unrealistic expectations of treatment and outcomes

· Address communication challenges that arise when the person has impaired decision making capacity

Council Chambers, East Kilbride

Anticipatory Care Planning for District Nurses

Date: 29 Jun 2022
Time: 13:00 - 16:00

Tutor team

Dr Kerry McWilliams

EC4H Lead Tutor

Dr Kerry McWilliams is a consultant in Palliative Medicine in NHS Lanarkshire. She graduated from Glasgow University in 2005 and was appointed as a consultant in 2015. During her specialty training in the West of Scotland she thoroughly enjoyed particpating in an EC4H course herself and was delighted to undergo tutor training in 2018. Currently acting as lead tutor, she enjoys the challenge and new learning experience that comes with each course. Her interests include Anticipatory care planning and promoting informed decision making.

Dr Eve McCann

EC4H Lead Tutor

Dr Eve McCann is a Specialty Doctor in Care of the Elderly. Eve joined the EC4H Tutor Team in June 2018