Being Open: Communicating well with patients and families about adverse events (September)

09 Sep 2024 09:30 - 16:00 Ayrshire Maternity Unit, Crosshouse Hospital Free

Being Open: Communicating well with patients and families about adverse events (September)

Workshop Programme

Workshop Resources


The Being Open Programme provides a sensitive and reliable system of training for maternity staff to support and involve families when an adverse event occurs and through the subsequent review process. The programme combines specialist communication training with quality improvement methodology

A one day interactive workshop for Consultants, Anaesthetists, Midwives, Specialty Trainees and other staff working in maternity. Participants will work in a small peer group using role play and interactive sessions to address communication challenges when supporting families and staff when an adverse event happens and through the subsequent review process

This workshop is only available to staff working within NHS Ayrhshire & Arran

Topics at the workshops for will include:

• Difficult conversations
• Significant Adverse event process
• Importance of language and suggestions about helpful approaches
• Being open about adverse events
• Early co-ordination and staff support
• Effective escalation and professional communication
• Handling anger and emotional distress
• Giving information and support to people who have been involved in an adverse event
• Chairing case review meetings

Learning Outcomes

In this advanced clinical communication workshop participants will:
• review their current practice in communicating with patients and their relatives,
• identify personal learning objectives and develop strategies for addressing these within a supported peer learning group
• evaluate and respond to patient/relative perspectives
• identify ways of increasing communication effectiveness
• exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues


Ayrshire Maternity Unit, Crosshouse Hospital

Being Open: Communicating well with patients and families about adverse events (September)

Date: 09 Sep 2024
Time: 09:30 - 16:00

Tutor team

Dr Viv Franklin

Lead EC4H Being Open Tutor

Dr Vivian Franklin has been a consultant in obstetrics in Ayrshire since 2011. She is the lead for Maternity Clinical Risk Management and has worked with the EC4H team to implement the Being Open process in maternity services in Ayrshire since 2018. Through this she undertook EC4H tutor training with a focus on the Being Open process. GMC no - 4706207

Dr Fiona Dennison

EC4H Tutor

Dr Fiona Dennison is a Consultant Obstetrician with a special interest in maternal and fetal medicine at Ayrshire Maternity unit, Crosshouse Hospital. She also has an interest in teaching, receiving a Certificate of Postgraduate Medical Education in 2014 and completed EC4H communication tutor training in 2019. GMC: 6099824

Lesley Darroch

EC4H Tutor

Lesley Darroch is Practice Development Facilitator in Women’s and Children’s Services in NHS Ayrshire & Arran. She has a keen interest in effective communication with women and families. She trained as an EC4H tutor in 2019 so that she could support further learning.

Dr Marisa Forte

EC4H Tutor

Dr Marisa Forte is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in Perinatal Mental Health and the Clinical Lead for the Maternity and Neonatal Psychological Interventions Service in NHS Ayrshire and Arran. Dr Forte provides teaching on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme at the University of Glasgow. She trained as an EC4H tutor in 2019