26 Aug 2022 09:30 - 11:30 Online attendance Free
A free webinar for community midwives in NHS Lothian to provide an update on the key contact role and some training on communication approaches.
The session will start with an opportunity to discuss the review process and the role of the key contact, focusing on any challenges when supporting families through the review process. There will then be a real time interactive demonstration with a simulated patient led by EC4H Tutors to illustrate communication approaches. Participants will have the opportunity throughout the demonstration to contribute suggestions and feedback to the tutor team via the chat box.
Topics at the webinar often include:
In this advanced clinical communication webinar participants will:
Date: 26 Aug 2022
Time: 09:30 - 11:30
Dr Edile Murdoch is a Consultant Neonatologist and Clinical Director for Maternity Services in NHS Lothian. Edile joined the EC4H senior tutor team in 2016 and now supports delivery of Being Open and EC4H workshops in Lothian and EC4H’s partner boards
Dr Judith Orme is a Consultant Neonatologist in Edinburgh. She joined the EC4H Tutor Team in 2018 and delivers EC4H workshops and Being Open training to staff in NHS Lothian and our partner boards.