04 Apr 2023 09:30 - 16:30 Medical Education Centre, Kirkland's Hospital, Fallside Road, Bothwell Free
A one-day, interactive workshop for IMT doctors. Participants will work in a small peer group and address communication challenges drawn from their clinical practice and their educational roles. Particular focus will be on initiating conversations about deteriorating health, people’s priorities and plans for future care such as hospital treatments options, further admissions, clinically assisted nutrition or hydration and CPR.
In this advanced clinical communication workshop participants will:
• Review their current practice in communicating with patients, families and other professionals about deteriorating health and care planning
• Identify personal learning objectives and develop strategies for addressing these within a supported peer learning group
• Critique and apply relevant literature/ theory on effective communication
• Identify ways of increasing communication effectiveness in their own practice
Medical Education Centre, Kirkland's Hospital, Fallside Road, Bothwell
Date: 04 Apr 2023
Time: 09:30 - 16:30
Dr Kerry McWilliams is a consultant in Palliative Medicine in NHS Lanarkshire. She graduated from Glasgow University in 2005 and was appointed as a consultant in 2015. During her specialty training in the West of Scotland she thoroughly enjoyed particpating in an EC4H course herself and was delighted to undergo tutor training in 2018. Currently acting as lead tutor, she enjoys the challenge and new learning experience that comes with each course. Her interests include Anticipatory care planning and promoting informed decision making.
Mr Alistair Brown is a consultant general surgeon with interests in surgical critical care and anticipatory care planning. He regularly teaches on critical care courses (a key component of which is communication skills) both in the UK and abroad. He has undergone training with Effective Communication for Health in Edinburgh and trained as a tutor in November 2016. He has taught communication to a variety of postgraduate groups as part of the critical care teaching. GMC number 3542039
Dr Mary Callaghan is a Consultant Paediatrician in NHS Lanarkshire. She graduated from Glasgow University in 1984 and embarked on a career in General Practice. Following completion of GP training she worked as a Community Paediatrician for several years but then decided to apply for formal training in Paediatric Medicine. Following successful completion of specialist training she took up the post of Consultant Paediatrician with an Interest in Neurology in 2002 at Wishaw General Hospital. She has long been interested in communication issues within the field of medicine and completed the EC4H Course in 2012 subsequently training as a course tutor in 2013