06 Oct 2022 18:30 - 19:30 Online attendance Free
This is a one-hour online course, run by the Effective Communication For Healthcare (EC4H) team, who are all experienced clinicians. Participants will see a simulated conversation in real time and will have the opportunity to make suggestions and give feedback on the behaviours observed. The session will focus on practical strategies that may help during challenging conversations, with a specific focus on having realistic conversations about Advanced Care Planning and dealing with unrealistic expectations.
This session is open to all GPs in Lanarkshire, but may be especially useful for GPs who are early in their career.
Platform: MS Teams
The patient is an elderly lady with dementia and multiple comorbidities, whose health is declining. She lacks capacity to make decisions about her healthcare. The simulated conversation is a phone call from the GP to her son and welfare Power of Attorney. He has been on the phone twice already today demanding to speak to a doctor as she’s in a “terrible state” with a UTI that hasn’t been treated, and wants something done about it.
This session will explore communication strategies to manage anger, and having conversations about ACP using the REDMAP framework
Date: 06 Oct 2022
Time: 18:30 - 19:30
Dr Eve McCann is a Specialty Doctor in Care of the Elderly. Eve joined the EC4H Tutor Team in June 2018
Dr Kerry McWilliams is a consultant in Palliative Medicine in NHS Lanarkshire. She graduated from Glasgow University in 2005 and was appointed as a consultant in 2015. During her specialty training in the West of Scotland she thoroughly enjoyed particpating in an EC4H course herself and was delighted to undergo tutor training in 2018. Currently acting as lead tutor, she enjoys the challenge and new learning experience that comes with each course. Her interests include Anticipatory care planning and promoting informed decision making.
Mr Alistair Brown is a consultant general surgeon with interests in surgical critical care and anticipatory care planning. He regularly teaches on critical care courses (a key component of which is communication skills) both in the UK and abroad. He has undergone training with Effective Communication for Health in Edinburgh and trained as a tutor in November 2016. He has taught communication to a variety of postgraduate groups as part of the critical care teaching. GMC number 3542039
Christine Carswell works as a consultant psychiatrist for the elderly in NHS Lanarkshire and has done so since 2008. She has a keen interest in both undergraduate and postgraduate education and regularly takes medical students from Glasgow University in her department for their Special Study Module. Having attended the EC4h courses she has become a trainer and finds that each course that she has been involved in both rewarding and challenging
Dr Mary Callaghan is a Consultant Paediatrician in NHS Lanarkshire. She graduated from Glasgow University in 1984 and embarked on a career in General Practice. Following completion of GP training she worked as a Community Paediatrician for several years but then decided to apply for formal training in Paediatric Medicine. Following successful completion of specialist training she took up the post of Consultant Paediatrician with an Interest in Neurology in 2002 at Wishaw General Hospital. She has long been interested in communication issues within the field of medicine and completed the EC4H Course in 2012 subsequently training as a course tutor in 2013