Communication Challenges for Advanced Nurse Practitioners

15 Nov 2023 09:30 - 16:30 Seminar Room 5, DGRI Education Centre Free

Communication Challenges for Advanced Nurse Practitioners

Workshop Programme

Workshop Resources

Post Evaluation

An Intensive one day workshop for Advanced Nurse Practitioners working in NHS Dumfries & Galloway

This workshop is open to NHS Dumfries & Galloway staff only

Workshop Overview

Groups of more experienced nurses will work together in a small coaching group with two senior tutors. The course content is highly interactive with interview demonstrations and participant role-play. Each group will set its agenda at the start of the workshop and consider strategies for handling communication challenges from each participant’s own clinical practice. Participants will receive individual coaching and support.

Participants from any specialty are very welcome to apply.

Topics may include:
  • Discussing complex or distressing information
  • Handling anger, emotional distress, collusion and denial
  • Shared decision-making and informed consent
  • Discussing goals of care, levels of intervention and CPR status
  • Handling poor performance
  • Breaking bad news
  • Communication in teams and effective handover
  • Addressing and preventing complaints

Learning Outcomes

This clinical communication workshop offers participants the opportunity to:

  • Review their current practice in relation to communication in clinical practice and with
    colleagues and other staff.
  • Identify personal learning objectives and develop strategies for addressing these within
    a peer learning group.
  • Critique and apply relevant literature/ theory on effective communication.
  • Consider and take account of patient/carer/colleague perspectives.
  • Identify and practise ways of increasing communication effectiveness.
  • Exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues from other specialties.

All Tutors are NHS Clinicians


Seminar Room 5, DGRI Education Centre

Communication Challenges for Advanced Nurse Practitioners

Date: 15 Nov 2023
Time: 09:30 - 16:30

Tutor team

Dr Ross Warwick

EC4H Lead Tutor

Ross is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Lead for Clinical Health Psychology and part of the Staff Psychological Support Service established during the pandemic. The service aims to improve the welfare of staff members, the function of teams, and the overall culture of the Health and Social Care Partnership. EC4H corresponds neatly with this service, giving colleagues an opportunity to refine their communication skills in a safe and supportive environment. Ross completed the EC4H Clinical Communication Tutor Training in 2016.

Dr Sarah Pickstock

EC4H Tutor

Dr Sarah Pickstock is a Consultant in Palliative Medicine in NHS Dumfries and Galloway. Sarah completed her EC4H tutor training in 2016.

Dr Alison Almond

EC4H Tutor

Alison is an Associate Specialist in Renal Medicine in Dumfries where she has worked for 22 years. As lead for Kidney Care Planning services communication plays a huge roll in her work- explaining treatment options to patients in a way they can understand, so they can make decisions that are right for them. This includes explaining when treatment options are failing so having discussions about end of life care is a large part of this. She has also recently taken on a role as Clinical supervisor to some of the Juniors Doctors in Dumfries and views communication skills as an on going learning curve for us all,something that can always be improved and adapted to all aspects of life in general as well as work. She trained as an EC4H tutor in 2017.