THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULLY BOOKED. If you wish to be placed on the waiting list, please select 'yes' to the 'Are you applying for our waiting list?' question on the application form

An immersive, interactive clinical communication workshop for Scottish SAS Doctors which equips participants with the skills and confidence to have better conversations in challenging circumstances.

This workshop is open to SAS Doctors and Dentists only

To register your interest in the course email:


Working in a small peer group, participants will address communication challenges drawn from their own clinical practice, management and teaching roles. Common challenges addressed during the programme often include:

• Complex, shared decision-making & informed consent
• Handling anger, emotional distress, collusion or denial
• Addressing and preventing complaints
• Being open about adverse events
• Discussing goals of care, levels of intervention and CPR status
• Communication in teams and effective handover

Learning Outcomes

This clinical communication workshop offers participants the opportunity to:
• Review & evaluate their current practice in relation to communication in a wide range of roles and situations.
• Identify personal learning objectives and develop strategies for addressing these within a senior clinicians’ peer learning group.
• Critique and apply relevant literature/ theory on effective communication.
• Consider and take account of patient/carer/colleague perspectives.
• Identify and practise ways of increasing communication effectiveness.
• Exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues from other specialties



NES Offices, Central Quay, Glasgow

Communication Challenges for Specialist and Associate Specialist Doctors & Dentists (March 2024)

Date: 13 Mar 2024
Time: 09:30 - 16:00

Tutor team

Dr Tamasin Evans

Senior Tutor

Dr Tamasin Evans is a consultant clinical oncologist in the Edinburgh Cancer Centre. She attended an EC4H senior doctors’ communication course in 2008 and has then joined the EC4H senior tutors’ group. GMC number: 4116646

Dr Belinda Hacking

EC4H Lead Tutor

Dr Belinda Hacking set up EC4H in 2002. She has worked with professionals in healthcare across the UK developing the EC4H coaching and training programmes in clinical communication. Belinda was trained by the late Professor Maguire in communication training. Her clinical role is as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Director of Psychology for NHS Lothian. Belinda has a special interest in shared decision-making in healthcare. British Psychological Society membership: 33194