10 Oct 2024 09:30 - 16:30 NES Offices, West Port, Edinburgh Free
An immersive and interactive clinical communication workshop for Scottish Specialist, Associate Specialist and Specialty Doctors and Dentists which equips participants with the skills and confidence to have better conversations in challenging circumstances.
This workshop is open to SAS Doctors and Dentists only
To register your interest in the course: Click here
Or for any queries, email: sasdevelopment@nes.scot.nhs.uk
Working in a small peer group, participants will address communication challenges drawn from their own clinical practice, management and teaching roles. Common challenges addressed during the programme often include:
• Complex, shared decision-making & informed consent
• Handling anger, emotional distress, collusion or denial
• Addressing and preventing complaints
• Being open about adverse events
• Discussing goals of care, levels of intervention and CPR status
• Communication in teams and effective handover
This clinical communication workshop offers participants the opportunity to:
• Review & evaluate their current practice in relation to communication in a wide range of roles and situations.
• Identify personal learning objectives and develop strategies for addressing these within a senior clinicians’ peer learning group.
• Critique and apply relevant literature/ theory on effective communication.
• Consider and take account of patient/carer/colleague perspectives.
• Identify and practise ways of increasing communication effectiveness.
• Exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues from other specialties
NES Offices, West Port, Edinburgh
Date: 10 Oct 2024
Time: 09:30 - 16:30
Dr Edile Murdoch is a Consultant Neonatologist and Clinical Director for Maternity Services in NHS Lothian. Edile joined the EC4H senior tutor team in 2016 and now supports delivery of Being Open and EC4H workshops in Lothian and EC4H’s partner boards
Jennifer Pyper completed her EC4H tutor training through the NES sponsored programme in 2010. Her clinical background is as a resuscitation officer in NHS Lothian with a special interest in paediatrics. She regularly contributes to all levels of communication courses and is keen to promote workshops raising awareness and facilitating discussions about Children and Young People’s Acute Deterioration Management (CYPADM). NMC number: 82E0229S