Discussing Future Care and Treatment

14 Nov 2024 10:00 - 11:30 Lecture Theatre, Western Isles Hospital Free

Discussing Future Care and Treatment


Useful Resources

Post Evaluation

A bite size interactive clinical communication training session for doctors, nurses and other health professionals working in NHS Western Isles. Participants will watch a real time interactive demonstration led by the EC4H tutor team and will have the opportunity throughout to contribute feedback and suggestions.

Focus will be on initiating conversations about deteriorating health, people’s priorities and plans for future care such as hospital treatments options, further admissions, clinically assisted nutrition or hydration and CPR

This workshop is open to staff from NHS Western Isles only


Mrs Harris, a 81 year old with late stage Alzheimer’s dementia and severe frailty was admitted from home 10 days ago by emergency ambulance.

She had been struggling at home for several days with worsening chest symptoms on a background of increased swallowing difficulties, and was admitted following a 999 call overnight. On admission, Mrs Harris had evidence of a moderately severe aspiration pneumonia and possible delirium, requiring IV antibiotics, oxygen, and IV fluids. The consultant decided the patient should be for ward level care. A junior doctor tried to have a discussion about DNACPR but Mrs Harris’s family did not want to discuss this.

The Clinician is visiting the person and their family/carers at home soon after their discharge from hospital.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this session participants will be able to:

• Explore the person’s and their family/carer’s understanding of deteriorating health with reference to fundamentals such as capacity, nutrition and hydration, and the dying process
• Share information about an uncertain outcome in people living with severe frailty and/or dementia
• Find out about the person’s/family/carer main concerns and what matters to them
• Open a conversation about what happens if the person deteriorates further
• Agree a shared plan of care including a KIS and CPR status


Lecture Theatre, Western Isles Hospital

Discussing Future Care and Treatment

Date: 14 Nov 2024
Time: 10:00 - 11:30

Tutor team

Gail Allan

EC4H Lead Tutor

Gail is the Lead Nurse, Specialist Nursing in NHS Western Isles. She completed her EC4H tutor training in October 2021. Her interests are in Anticipatory Care Planning and promoting realistic conversations. NMC: 82H0689S

Joan MacKay

EC4H Tutor

Joan currently works as an Advanced Care Practitioner in Resuscitation and Clinical Risk within NHS Western Isles. She has been an adult trained nurse for 21yrs, more recently working in resuscitation. Joan has been an EC4H instructor since September 2021.

Donna Young

EC4H Tutor

Donna is a cancer and palliative clinical nurse specialist in the Western isles. She has been involved in promoting the importance of effective communication in advanced care planning and also the education of student nurses. More recently she completed her tutor training with EC4H in March 2022.

Karen McKenzie

EC4H Tutor

Karen Mackenzie is the Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Consultant for NHS Western Isles. Karen qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist in 2006, specialising in working with adults with acquired neurological conditions and dementia, whilst developing clinical leadership and quality improvement capability in a number of NHS Scotland Boards. She is a Scottish Improvement Leader (ScIL) graduate and, in February 2023, qualified as a EC4H tutor.