Memory Milk Gift Initiative: Initiating Difficult Conversations after Loss

11 May 2023 13:00 - 15:00 Online attendance Free

Memory Milk Gift Initiative: Initiating Difficult Conversations after Loss

Webinar Resources

Post Evaluation

The Memory Milk Gift Initiative believes that every bereaved family across Scotland should have the choice to donate breast milk in memory of their baby and commemorated on the Memory Milk Tree in the milk bank at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.
This interactive webinar aims to support staff in having these difficult and sensitive conversations with families following bereavement.
Participants will watch a real time interactive demonstration led by EC4H tutors. Participants will have the opportunity throughout the demonstration to contribute suggestions and feedback to the tutor team via the chat box.

This webinar is open to staff from all Scottish health boards


Helen’s baby, Lucy was born at 24 weeks gestation. She had a very complex clinical course with lots of complications of prematurity. Lucy stopped responding to treatment and died at 18 weeks. The Clinician meets with Helen to discuss post death care

Learning Outcomes

In this advanced clinical communication webinar participants will:
• review their current practice in communicating with patients and their relatives,
• identify personal learning objectives and develop strategies for addressing these within a supported peer learning group
• critique and apply relevant literature/ theory on effective communication
• evaluate and respond to patient/relative perspectives
• identify ways of increasing communication effectiveness
• exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues


Memory Milk Gift Initiative: Initiating Difficult Conversations after Loss

Date: 11 May 2023
Time: 13:00 - 15:00

Tutor team

Dr Judith Orme

EC4H Senior Tutor

Dr Judith Orme is a Consultant Neonatologist in Edinburgh. She joined the EC4H Tutor Team in 2018 and delivers EC4H workshops and Being Open training to staff in NHS Lothian and our partner boards.

Dr Tamasin Evans

Senior Tutor

Dr Tamasin Evans is a consultant clinical oncologist in the Edinburgh Cancer Centre. She attended an EC4H senior doctors’ communication course in 2008 and has then joined the EC4H senior tutors’ group. GMC number: 4116646

Amanda Kane

EC4H Tutor

Amanda has been a midwife with NHS Tayside for 17 years, working in all clinical areas but with a special interest in high risk and bereavement care. She was a senior Charge Midwife for 4 years before starting in her current post as Quality Lead/Risk Management Midwife, 3 years ago. Amanda feels very strongly that women and their families are part of the review processes and that their voices are heard. Amanda joined the EC4H tutor team in 2023