Purchasing an EC4H licence

EC4H is not a commercial organization. It is a national and international communication network to provide assurance for standards of clinical communication teaching, hosted by NHS Lothian. Licences are granted  to NHS Boards or organisations  to deliver EC4H approved courses in their organisation/ area by training local staff as tutors.

The EC4H courses are high quality and evidence-based,  suitable for consultants, GPs, senior managers, doctors in training, other medical staff, nurses, allied health professionals and staff working in social care services.

EC4H will:

  • Issue an annually renewable licence to NHS Boards and other organisations with one or more groups of tutors who are members of the EC4H Programme.
  • Retain copyright and intellectual property rights for all EC4H materials in print and online including the EC4H logo and website.
  • Maintain an online register via the EC4H website of all accredited lead tutors and tutors.
  • Provide tutor training via workshops, tutor training manuals and online resources exclusively for EC4H tutors; support the organisation of supervised teaching practice for trainee tutors.
  • Provide a professional development programme for all EC4H accredited tutors to promote collaboration, course development, and continuing peer support/ learning.
  • Maintain and develop the EC4H Programme website and a linked, secure website for workshop delivery.
  • Provide EC4H workshop books for participants that tutors can use in running EC4H communication workshops.
  • Develop and provide other workshop books suitable for workshops on specific communication topics.
  • Review and update EC4H course materials and resources on a regular basis
  • Provide a secure tutors’ resource section on the website to support local teaching programmes.
  • Set up a customised webpage for all participating Boards/organizations to allow them to promote the workshops being delivered in their area
  • Provide online resources for participants including, pre-course and post-course evaluations, an interactive online forum and course materials

For pricing enquiries, please get in touch here