Our programme of advanced interactive communication workshops is designed for consultants, senior trainees and other senior clinicians including nurses and allied health professionals. We offer courses for multidisciplinary teams working in hospital or in primary care and for individual specialties or professional groups.
We look at effective ways to help people think and plan ahead. Clinicians need to be able to talk about emergency treatment and care planning (e.g. Treatment Escalation Plans and ReSPECT), goals of care, and planning for care around dying, including DNACPR discussions.
The RED-MAP framework supports these conversations.
Learning outcomes
- Communicate sensitively and effectively with people and those close to them about serious illness, deteriorating health, goals of care and CPR.
- Talk about Future Care Planning informed by an understanding of ‘what matters’ to people and their families.
- Discuss treatment and care options and outcomes within a person-centred model of shared decision-making and Realistic Medicine.
- Respond to anger, distress, collusion and other complex emotions.
- Discuss the benefits and limitations of treatment in a balanced way.
- Address communication challenges that arise when the person has impaired decision-making capacity
An advanced practice training programme in Future Care Planning and DNACPR processes is also available for senior nurses & allied health professionals in Lothian who are already involved in Future Care Planning and DNACPR discussions as part of their role.
This three-day programme aims to improve all aspects of Future Care Planning and allows practitioners to complete and sign DNACPR forms following appropriate multidisciplinary discussions.