20 Oct 2021 09:30 - 12:30 Online attendance £95
THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULLY BOOKED. If you wish to be placed on the waiting list, please select 'yes' to the 'Are you applying for our waiting list?' question on the application form
A half day interactive workshop for senior doctors and other health professionals (Band 6+). Participants will work in a small peer group and address communication challenges drawn from their own clinical practice and educational roles. Particular focus will be on initiating conversations about deteriorating health, people’s priorities and plans for future care such as hospital treatments options, further admissions, clinically assisted nutrition or hydration and CPR
We look at effective ways to help people think and plan ahead. Clinicians need to be able to talk about emergency treatment and care planning (e.g. Treatment Escalation Plans and ReSPECT), goals of care, and planning for care around dying, including DNACPR discussions.
The RED-MAP framework supports these conversations.
In this advanced clinical communication workshop participants will:
Date: 20 Oct 2021
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Dr Kirsty Boyd was trained as a clinical communication tutor by Professor Peter Maguire in 1995 and has been organising postgraduate communication courses for over 20 years. She was Clinical Communication Programme Theme Head for the University of Edinburgh Medical School from 2002-2015 and she is an honorary clinical senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. Kirsty holds a Masters in Clinical Education from Nottingham University. She is retired from her clinical role is as consultant in palliative medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. GMC Number: 2846907
Dr Edile Murdoch is a Consultant Neonatologist and Clinical Director for Maternity Services in NHS Lothian. Edile joined the EC4H senior tutor team in 2016 and now supports delivery of Being Open and EC4H workshops in Lothian and EC4H’s partner boards