Responding to Complaints webinar

23 Jun 2022 10:00 - 11:15 Free

Responding to Complaints webinar

Webinar Resources

Post Evaluation

A free webinar for NHS Western Isles staff involved in responding to complaints. This online session allows participants to watch a real time interactive demonstration led by EC4H tutors. Participants will have the opportunity throughout the demonstration to contribute suggestions and feedback to the tutor team via the chat box.

This webinar is open to NHS Western Isles staff only


Brenda Jarvis, aged 78, was admitted with fever and delirium. Whilst on the ward she suffered a fall and has had sutures for laceration to her scalp. Her daughter, Susan, lives on the mainland and is isolating due to Covid. The charge nurse calls Susan to discuss her concerns about the care of her mother…

Common challenges addressed during the webinar are:
• Addressing and handling complaints
• Resolving conflict and preventing complaints from escalating
• Handling strong emotions – anger, emotional distress, denial and collusion
• Talking to patients and families involved in adverse events
• Diffusing emotionally charged situations

Responding to Complaints webinar

Date: 23 Jun 2022
Time: 10:00 - 11:15

Tutor team

Dr Tamasin Evans

Senior Tutor

Dr Tamasin Evans is a consultant clinical oncologist in the Edinburgh Cancer Centre. She attended an EC4H senior doctors’ communication course in 2008 and has then joined the EC4H senior tutors’ group. GMC number: 4116646

Gail Allan

EC4H Lead Tutor

Gail is the Lead Nurse, Specialist Nursing in NHS Western Isles. She completed her EC4H tutor training in October 2021. Her interests are in Anticipatory Care Planning and promoting realistic conversations. NMC: 82H0689S

Donna Young

EC4H Tutor

Donna is a cancer and palliative clinical nurse specialist in the Western isles. She has been involved in promoting the importance of effective communication in advanced care planning and also the education of student nurses. More recently she completed her tutor training with EC4H in March 2022.